Step into Marina's world, where the sea and dreams dance together gracefully. In our conversation, Marina shares her story in simple, heartfelt words, inviting you to explore her passions, dreams, and the enchantment of Ibiza. As the Sirena of the island, she reveals the deep connection she feels with the sea, describing it as a source of profound inspiration and tranquillity. Join us as we uncover the genuine yet magical journey of a woman finding balance within herself and the island she adores. Feel the gentle rhythm of her life, echoing the calming waves and the vibrant pulse of Ibiza's unique spirit. Allow Marina's tale to be a soothing melody, resonating with the tranquillity and joy she's discovered in the heart of this captivating island, where the sea holds a special place as her muse.






Piece of Heaven

Meet Marina, the Enchanting Voice of the Sea

La Sirena de Ibiza -
Meet Marina, the Enchanting Voice of the Sea

I feel like a piece of heaven that is unfolding right now. Like you, like an oak, like everyone else, I guess. Like the sea, I am a friend of the trees. Love, fear, joy: I am convinced that, deep down, we are all composed of the same, that we all are the same being. So I think that I am just another piece in this big, precious riddle called the Universe.


Who are you? Listen deep inside of you and let me know who you truly are.

I studied Anthropology in Barcelona, and I've been working as a journalist for 6 years now. But since I was a kid, my thing has been art. I love it in all its forms, but now - especially since this year - I'm trying to recognize what has been my hobby until now as a motif of my life. And I'm doing it with the music: singing, composing, and learning every day.


What is your profession? What is your hobby?

To guarantee my freedom and that of the people around me. That my purpose is to overcome all the material and non-material barriers, so I can feel close to my loved ones at all times and from everywhere. To build, through art, a HOME, a little universe where we all can share the joy of living, unconditionally.


What is your dream?

One thing that has always fascinated me is that the ocean covers most part of our planet - about 71%. It's an unexplored whole world itself! And we know we came from there. Our fingers still get wrinkled when we are for some minutes in the water - so we have better adherence to the surfaces, like on rocks - as an adaptive response to that ancestral, still familiar environment. And since I was a kid, I felt strangely connected to the sea. With the passing of time, the sea has become the natural milieu that connects me with the people I love. Here and there, far from separate, the sea connects all the lands and saves all the gaps. So, to become present and feel connected to myself and to my loved ones, I recently started practising freediving. As if I'm suspended in time and space, it gives me an incomparable feeling of peace, freedom, and happiness.


Water and the sea: tell me about your love for water and the sea

I wish we all realised the power we have, and how it expands when we are all aligned on something. If we can provoke such global disasters as wars and species extinction, we are also capable of the most constructive, unexpected, and wonderful things. I really feel that. And I'd like to use that power to beat the fears that take us away from justice and freedom. At that point, I guess all that would be left would be love, which I think is the greatest wish and power of all.


If you have a wish for the world and the power to change our world, what would this be?


You moved to Ibiza, why? What DO YOU love here? What did you miss on the mainland?

I felt calm, aligned, and free. It was as if a new version of me was emerging in front of the camera, and it felt revealing, as you captured me in a way no one had before. It's neither an easy nor common thing to feel like that during a photoshoot. Taking me to shoot in my favourite environment, holding my hands before starting, and surprising me with that deep question—"Who are you?"—made me feel confident, grateful, and liberated. It was a dreamy experience, with a shiny sunset over our heads sealing a new friendship. And I'm so happy to know that, on top of that, that magic moment was captured forever by you and your camera!


How did you felt during the photoshoot?

I’d say Avieta is not a conventional photographer, nor is she a conventional person. She is committed to her principles and her mission, and a photoshoot with her is something truly priceless. She looks for a story - YOUR story - and she finds it. Then she gives you the space, the warmth, and the conditions for you to unfold, to reveal to the others and even to yourself. In essence, this is what photography is about: development and light. I'm so grateful to have found this luminous, talented woman and to let her capture me at this specific moment of my life.


If you could describe me as your photographer, what would you say? 

Ibiza for me is a unique place in this world, a mesmerising island that life brought me for some reasons I'm starting to understand. Since my father established here, I rooted in the island more than anywhere else, and I felt its power before even knowing it existed: its strong identity, light, and magic. For all that, Ibiza is now my "operations base" from where I dream, get inspiration, and work to materialise my ideas. A peaceful, happy full stop to which I return again and again as I write the story of my life.

I guess all that would be left would be love, which I think is the greatest wish and power of all.

- Marina

"I wish we all realised the power we have, and how it expands when we are all aligned on something."

"I feel like a piece of heaven that is unfolding right now"




kind words

“You have captured me in a way no one had before”

I’d say Avieta is not a conventional photographer, nor is she a conventional person. She is committed to her principles and her mission, and a photoshoot with her is something truly priceless. She looks for a story - YOUR story - and she finds it. Then she gives you the space, the warmth, and the conditions for you to unfold, to reveal to the others and even to yourself. In essence, this is what photography is about: development and light. I'm so grateful to have found this luminous, talented woman and to let her capture me at this specific moment of my life.


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